

Trux Travels

Why Truck Log Books are so Important

Posted by Trux Solutions

Left Align The trucking industry has an incredible number of regulations, from how many hours a driver can drive without rest to what they can carry in their truck. These regulations are in place to protect drivers but also to protect all those who might be on the road at the same time. Log books are an important item that drivers can use to prove they’ve taken enough time away from driving to get adequate rest and sleep. Here’s why it’s so important for drivers to keep accurate log books for all their travels.


As you drive down almost any highway, you’ll see truck inspection stations every so often. These stations are in place to make sure trucks are safe and the driver is following the appropriate rules.

A log book that is accurate and updated to last duty status change will allow for truck drivers to pass through a truck inspection station easier than those who don’t do it. If they can easily prove they’re following the guidelines they’re supposed to inspectors will be able to do their job quicker.

We can help you Keep you Logbook always Inspection ready

Track Your Journey

An accurate log book will show when you started your journey, when you took your rests and breaks and how long you’ve been on the road for. Inspectors are allowed to look through your log book while at any station. Logs are required for many larger trucking companies, so tracking your journey as you go just makes it easier to complete your job at the end of your run.

Avoid Fines

There are many highways that are equipped with cameras, and they can quickly confirm or deny any logs you might have entered. If anyone tries to game the system by creating an inaccurate log, inspectors can confirm the information to ensure it’s accurate.

If it’s found out to be wrong, a fine could be placed against the driver, the trucking company or both. You can avoid fines entirely by just keeping an accurate log book for the entirety of your journey.

Stay Safe

A lack of sleep is the number one cause of many trucking accidents, so it only makes sense that truck drivers should have to get adequate rest. For truck drivers, it makes sense that you want to make your run as quick as possible because it means you can either pick up another one – and make more money – or just head home to see your family. This mentality, though, can lead to serious accidents and injuries. If you know you need to keep your log book up to date then it means you’ll likely be reminded to take proper breaks away from driving.

We can simplify the process for you, save you time, reduce your costs, boost your profitability and ease your level of frustration.

Even though it might seem like trucking industry regulations are too strict they have all been put in place for the safety of everyone. Keeping an accurate log book will protect you as a driver, and it will also protect the company you work for. If you are found to be falsifying records it could mean serious fines or even license suspensions, so make sure you’re following the guidelines and keeping accurate logs.

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