

Trux Travels

What is a CSA Shipment?

Posted by Trux Solutions

Left Align When you ship products internationally there’s an added layer of complication ensuring that all customs are declared appropriately and your product is identified correctly. CSA shipments are a way to make shipping internationally easier and quicker. If you’re shipping internationally to Canada and you’ve heard a CSA package might be the best option for you but don’t know what it is then this article is for you. Here is everything you need to know about a CSA shipment!

What does CSA stand for?

CSA stands for Customs Self Assessment and it is a Canadian shipment type that allows goods to clear through CBSA. It allows goods shipped by a CSA Approved Importer to be cleared through customs and to be transported by a CSA Approved Carrier.

How can I send one?

For any shipment to be eligible to be a CSA shipment it must be shipped directly from the United States or Mexico, and cannot require any further kind of permit or license for shipment (for example, the goods must not be subject to the regulations of another government department). The importer holds responsibility for information the carrier that the shipment is eligible for CSA clearance.

How do I transport the shipment?

For a shipment to be eligible for CSA clearance, the driver, or carrier, carrying the shipment must be registered with the Commercial Driver Registration Program (CDRP) or the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) driver registration program.

Will my shipment be examined at the border?

All shipments coming into Canada may be examined at the border. CSA-approved importers have been pre-approved and their goods have been determined to be low-risk, so CSA shipments are likely to be examined less frequently than those that are not CSA-approved. These type of shipments allows customs to focus attention on shipments that may be of higher risk coming into Canada.

What are my responsibilities as a CSA-approved importer?

Just because you’ve been given that ability to send CSA shipments you are not exempt from following the rules of customs. If you send shipments that violate the regulations of imported goods to Canada you could be subject to fines and penalties, and could lose your CSA-approved status. It’s imperative that you completely understand the obligations and customs regulations as part of the trade community.

Any goods imported to Canada are subjected to the laws and regulations of the country, and each shipment must clear customs. If you are shipping a good that is considered low risk you can apply to become a CSA-approved importer to make it a little quicker for your customers to receive their goods as your packages will likely be quicker going through customs. It may be worth applying to become a CSA-approved importer if you’re sending shipments to Canada often.

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