

Trux Travels

What are the requirements for fatigue management?

Posted by Trux Solutions

Left Align While driving across the country doesn’t seem like it would be exhausting, since the driver is just sitting in the truck the whole time, driving for long periods of time can be physically and mentally tiring leaving your drivers judgment impaired and making them a danger on the road. As an employer, you will need to give drivers the tools and recommendations for battling fatigue while they are on the road. Here’s how to manage fatigue and make sure your drivers are alert and safe.

Working Shift

It’s understandable that drivers want to complete a trip as fast as possible because the more they drive, the more they make. That, however, can cause major issues. It is a law that drivers must have 8 hours of rest in between driving shifts, and cannot drive for more than 13 hours in a shift. To ensure your drivers get the appropriate amount of rest so that they can be alert and do their job and arrive safely at their destination.

Regular Breaks

As mentioned there are a maximum number of hours a driver can work in a day, but they also need to stop every so often. These breaks should be used to get out of the truck, walk around and move. Too much sitting is not good for the circulation in our bodies so it’s really important that drivers keep healthy even if they have to be on the road, sitting for a majority of the time.

Time of Driving

Our bodies have natural times where we feel more alert than others. Many people recognize the after lunch down-time where we usually start feeling sleepy between 1 and 3 pm. The other time we naturally have a low point is between midnight and 6 am. While sometimes drivers need to work overnight to get a haul to where it needs to be, if we are aware of the times we will naturally be less alert then it can be more easily managed and perhaps a driver can take a break during those times.

Vehicle Ergonomics

This might seem like a small thing, but your driver is spending a lot of time sitting in the truck. The seat in the truck and how the controls are set up can make a major difference in the comfort of your driver. You can have a professional come in and assess the set up in the cab of your trucks to make sure it is beneficial and your drivers will be comfortable for the long haul. Managing the fatigue of your drivers is an issue that needs to be addressed regularly. Trucks account for less than 10% of vehicles on highways but yet they were involved in almost 15% of accidents in the last five years. Make sure your driver's rest, take regular breaks and they are comfortable in their working environment.

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