

Trux Solutions – The World of Trucking has Changed during COVID-19

Posted by Trux Solutions

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COVID-19 has changed the world and it has changed the way that we do business. This is true in the trucking industry as well. While many businesses in Ontario have been ordered to shut down, trucking has been deemed an essential service. It is necessary to help keep grocery store shelves stocked with food and other necessities of everyday life. It is necessary to transport life-saving medical equipment. And it is necessary to transport a whole of other goods that our country needs to keep moving forward.

But truckers are experiencing change. The following are some of the changes truckers are noticing on the job.

Less traffic.

As Canadians and even many in the United States are being ordered to “stay home”, truckers are seeing a dramatic decrease in traffic on the roads. One trucker described some areas in Chicago as being like a ghost town.

Fewer services.

While truck drivers still have truck stops where they can fuel up their vehicles, there are less services available to them. Since Ontario has ordered all dine-in restaurants closed (with the exception of takeout or delivery), truck stops in the province have closed off seating areas. Some stops also no longer places for drivers to shower or access other services. This can make long hauls more challenging. Furthermore, some stores are limiting the amount of essentials that truckers can buy – such as water jugs. This means that a greater amount of planning with be necessary.

Limited interactions.

Because of social distancing, the way truckers are interacting with warehouse staff and others has also changed. Some warehouse managers no longer want drivers to come into their builders for fear of increased risk of being exposed to the virus. Instead, paperwork is done outside.

Higher order volumes.

No one wants to be caught with shortages during COVID-19. As a result, businesses such as grocery stores are ordering increased volumes of items like toilet paper and frozen food to keep up with the demand. Like it or not, panic buying is still a part of the COVID-19 crisis.

More kindness.

Despite everything, many people realize that truck drivers are providing an essential service during this pandemic and that by continuing to go to work each day, drivers are putting themselves at risk for the sake of the public.

Many drivers are experiencing an increased level of kindness from others in terms of being thanked for the work that they do. At Trux Solutions, we would like to sincerely thank our truck drivers for the work that they do, and we will continue to be a source of information during these challenging times.

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