The Essential Guide to National Safety Code Audits for Businesses on the Road Resources


The Essential Guide to National Safety Code Audits for Businesses on the Road

Posted by Trux Solutions

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The Essential Guide to National Safety Code Audits for Businesses on the Road

Are you a business that relies heavily on the road for operations?

Whether you're in the transportation, logistics, or delivery industry, ensuring safety is your top priority.

But with countless regulations and compliance standards to keep up with, it can be overwhelming to navigate the ever-changing landscape of national safety codes.

That's why we've created this essential guide to National Safety Code audits for businesses like yours.

What is the National Safety Code?

The National Safety Code (NSC) was developed by Transport Canada as a set of safety standards and regulations for commercial vehicles operating in Canada.

These standards aim to promote safe and responsible practices within the trucking industry to ensure that commercial vehicles are operated safely on Canadian roads.

To ensure compliance with these safety standards, Transport Canada conducts regular audits known as National Safety Code Audits.

In this section, we will provide an overview of what these audits entail and why they are essential for businesses that operate commercial vehicles.

What is a National Safety Code Audit?

An NSC audit is a comprehensive review conducted by government regulators to assess a carrier's compliance with all applicable federal and provincial/territorial motor carrier laws, regulations, and policies related to vehicle maintenance, driver qualifications, hours of service rules, cargo securement, and more.

These audits aim to measure how well carriers adhere to safety standards set out in NSC Standard 13 - Commercial Vehicle Maintenance Standards; Standard 14 - Cargo Securement; Standard 15 - Hours Of Service; Standard 16 - Driver Qualification; and other relevant regulations.

Why Are National Safety Code Audits Important?

1. Promotes Road Safety
The primary goal of NSC audits is to promote road safety for everyone on the road. These audits help ensure that commercial vehicles are maintained and operated in a safe manner, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.

2. Ensures Compliance with Regulations
NSC audits help carriers stay compliant with all federal and provincial/territorial regulations related to commercial vehicle operations. Non-compliance can result in fines, penalties, or even revocation of a carrier's operating license.

3. Protects the Reputation of Carriers
A good reputation is crucial for any business, especially in the transportation industry. Regular NSC audits help carriers maintain a positive image by showing their commitment to safety and compliance.

4. Identifies Areas for Improvement
NSC audits provide carriers with valuable feedback on their operations, highlighting areas where they may need to improve. This information can be used to implement changes that will enhance safety and efficiency within the company.

5. Reduces Liability Risks
By adhering to NSC standards, carriers can reduce their liability risks in case of an accident or incident involving their vehicles. This helps protect both the company and its employees.

What is Involved in an NSC Audit?

So, what exactly is involved in an NSC audit? Let's take a closer look at the different components:

1. Documentation Review
The first step in an NSC audit is reviewing all the necessary documentation related to a company's fleet operations.
This includes driver qualifications, vehicle maintenance records, trip inspection reports, training programs, and other relevant documents.
The auditor will check for completeness, accuracy, and validity of these documents according to the guidelines set by the National Safety Code.

2. Vehicle Inspections
During an NSC audit, all commercial vehicles operated by the company will be inspected thoroughly.
This includes checking for compliance with safety standards such as proper load securement, functioning lights and signals, adequate tire tread depth, emergency equipment availability, and more.

3. Driver Interviews
Auditors may also conduct interviews with drivers to assess their knowledge of various safety procedures, such as pre-trip inspections and handling emergencies on the road.
They may also inquire about training programs provided by the company to ensure drivers are adequately trained in safe driving practices.

4. Management Interviews
In addition to driver interviews, auditors may also conduct interviews with management personnel to evaluate their understanding and implementation of safety policies and procedures.
This includes questions about safety training programs, disciplinary actions for non- compliance, and overall safety culture within the company.

5. Compliance with Regulations
One of the main purposes of an NSC audit is to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations set by the National Safety Code.
Auditors will check if a company is following these regulations in all aspects of their fleet operations, including vehicle maintenance, driver qualifications, hours of service, and more.

6. On-site Observation
Auditors may also conduct on-site observations to assess how well a company's operations align with their documented policies and procedures.
This can include observing drivers completing pre-trip inspections or checking if vehicles are properly loaded and secured.

7. Reporting
Once the audit is complete, the auditor will compile a report detailing any areas of non- compliance or potential risks identified during the audit.
The report will also include recommendations for corrective actions to be taken by the company.
An NSC audit serves as an important tool for companies to continuously improve their safety management practices and ensure compliance with regulations.
By identifying areas for improvement, companies can work towards creating a safer environment for their drivers and other road users.

Maintaining Accurate Records and Documentation

Maintaining accurate records and documentation is a crucial aspect of ensuring compliance with the National Safety Code (NSC) regulations.

Proper record-keeping not only helps businesses stay organized but it also serves as evidence of their commitment to safety and regulatory compliance.

In this section, we will discuss the importance of maintaining accurate records and documentation for NSC audits and provide tips on how to do so effectively.

Why is it important?

The primary reason for maintaining accurate records and documentation is to demonstrate a company's adherence to the stringent safety standards set by the NSC.

During an audit, auditors will thoroughly review a business's records to ensure that they have complied with all safety regulations.

The quality and completeness of these records can greatly impact the outcome of an audit.

Accurate records also play a critical role in identifying potential safety risks within a company's operations.

By keeping detailed records, businesses can analyze trends over time and take proactive measures to address any issues before they escalate into more significant problems.

Moreover, proper record-keeping can help in legal proceedings if an accident were to occur involving one of your vehicles.

Having well-maintained documents can serve as valuable evidence in case of any legal disputes or insurance claims.

What should be included in your records?

These include driver qualification files, vehicle maintenance reports, trip inspection reports, hours-of-service logs, fuel receipts, bills of lading, etc.

Additionally, businesses should also keep track of any training their drivers have received, safety meetings conducted, and any other relevant safety-related information.

This information can be used to demonstrate that a company has taken the necessary steps to ensure the safety of their operations.


In summary, National Safety Code Audits are an essential part of promoting road safety and ensuring compliance within the trucking industry.

Carriers who operate commercial vehicles in Canada should be familiar with these audits and strive to meet all NSC standards to ensure the safety of their drivers, the public, and their business reputation.

That’s why companies like Trux Solutions, play a crucial role in aiding businesses to meet NSC standards, ensuring safety, and maintaining regulatory compliance.