

Trux Solutions – 5 Ways Companies Can Reduce Their Fleet Costs

Posted by Trux Solutions

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If you want to maximize profits in your business, you know that you need to eliminate unnecessary expenses and control your costs. But did you know that you company fleet may be draining money from your coffers unnecessarily. A fleet tracking system can help you save money on your fleet costs. Here are 5 ways that it can help you.

1. Reduce unnecessary use of vehicles

With a fleet tracking system, you’ll know exactly where your vehicles are and when. For example, an employee may think its no big deal to drive a company vehicle home and park it overnight. In reality though, this adds to your maintenance and mileage costs – and if you multiple employees are doing this with a large fleet, those extra dollars really start to add up. By eliminating unnecessary use, you’ll be saving money.

2. Improve routes

Fuel costs can be greatly affected by the routes your drivers take. If they run into road construction or congestion, they could be idling for long periods of time and wasting fuel. With a fleet tracking system, you can analyze various routes in real time in order to select the most efficient route.

3. Vehicle maintenance

You know that proper maintenance of your vehicles can help you avoid larger repair costs in the future. But sometimes a vehicle might require maintenance before its scheduled time. The right tracking system can detect minor problems early and help you avoid major repairs.

4. Analyze vehicle lifecycle

Although you do your best to keep your vehicles in good repair, there will come a time for every vehicle when the maintenance and repair costs simply won’t be worth it anymore and it will be time to replace that vehicle with a new one. Through fleet tracking software, you can determine when this time is so that you are not throwing good money into vehicles that are no longer providing a good return on investments.

5. Improve driver behavior

The way your drivers drive also have a big impact on your fleet costs. Reckless driving or speeding will increase the chance of accidents as well as increase fuel costs. Idling for extended periods of time is also a problem that will cost you money. Through your fleet management software, you can identify undesirable behavior and provide education to correct it. Further, since your drivers know they are being monitored, you’ll also be discouraging poor driving behavior in real time.

Would you like more about how fleet management software can help you reduce your fleet costs? If so, contact Trux Solutions today.