

Trux Solutions – 5 Ways Companies Can Reduce Their Fleet Costs

Posted by Trux Solutions

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Although your company fleet is an essential asset to your business’s day to day operations, it also takes a lot of capital to maintain. The vehicles in your fleet cost tens of thousands of dollars if not more – and then you’ve got the added expenses of fuel, maintenance, driver wages, and so forth.

If you could find ways to reduce your fleet costs, wouldn’t you want to do that? Fortunately, there are a number of ways that you can save money on your fleet costs, and in this article, we will discuss five of them.

1. Reduce unnecessary use of fleet vehicles

Fleet vehicles should be used for business purposes only. If your drivers are using them for purposes not related to business, it can add wear and tear on the vehicle and cause your fuels costs to add up. And if employees are taking vehicles home overnight or for the weekend, there is increased risk of theft. With a vehicle tracking system, you can ensure that your fleet vehicles are always where they are supposed to be.

2. Improve routes

Taking an inefficient route means you’ll be paying more for fuel, that deliveries will get delayed, and that customer service will suffer. With a GPS tracking system, you can find the fastest routes and get real time traffic information which can help you reduce your operating costs.

3. Implement proper vehicle maintenance

We all know that regular vehicle maintenance not only keeps your fleet in tip top shape, but it can help you avoid much costlier repairs by catching minor issues before they become major problems. A fleet management system allows you to implement a vehicle maintenance regime more effectively by collecting information on engine performance and condition.

4. Analyze vehicle lifecycle

Replacing fleet vehicles is a big expenditure but eventually all vehicles reach a point where they are costlier to repair than they are to replace. Knowing when you have passed this tipping point however can be a challenge. With a fleet tracking system in place, it becomes much easier for fleet managers to determine the right time to replace a vehicle.

5. Improve driver behavior

The way that your drivers drive also has a big impact on your fleet costs. Behaviors such as speeding or idling for example impact your fuel costs. And more careless behaviors increase the risk of having an accident. When a fleet tracking system is in place, drivers know they are being monitored and tend to drive more responsibly which ultimately saves you money.

Contact Trux Solutions today

Would you like to realize these kinds of savings on your company fleet? If so, contact Trux Solutions today to discuss how a fleet tracking system can benefit you.